Full-stack web developer & Data Scientist
Welcome to my website
I’m SmailData Scientist with a background in Business Analytics. I am passionate about solving business problems. I have 3+ years’ software development experience as a full-stack developer and 4+ month as data scientist, I specialize in the Laravel PHP framework on the backend, Vue.js on the frontend and Tailwind CSS for styling
Here are some projects I've worked on:
- Laravel EcommerceExample Ecommerce site built with Laravel. GitHub Link
- Laravel-Movies-AppSimple Movies site built with Laravel,Liviewire. GitHub Link
Other projects soon ...
Get to know me:
I am really passionate learning every day and solving real problems using software and artificial intelligence, there are a lot of areas worth developing, so if you are looking for people who believe in ideas and develop them, I am here.
Contact me:
If you’re looking to get in contact with me for business inquiries or if you have a question, feel free to email me zitansmail@gmail.com or use the form below. I’ll try to respond as soon as I can.